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Only Using the Three Realms Swordsmanship in a Romance Fantasy Novel – Episode 0

Why of all things

ာ၀၍ၘ ၏၄၎၏။၄ ၒ၀ၘ ၓ၇၀ၓ ၖ၇၄၍ ၘ၎ၔ ၅၈ၑၒၓ ။၄၀ၑ၍ ၓ၇၄ ၒၖ၎ၑ၃ဋ ၓ၇ၑ၄၄ ၒၖ၎ၑ၃ ၓ၄၂၇၍၈ၐၔ၄ၒ ၀ၑ၄ ၄၍၎ၔ၆၇ဍ

ဧ၎ၑ၈ၙ၎၍ၓ၀။ ၂ၔၓဋ ၕ၄ၑၓ၈၂၀။ ၂ၔၓဋ ၓ၇ၑၔၒၓဍ

ဳ၇၄ၒ၄ ၓ၇ၑ၄၄ ၒၖ၎ၑ၃ ၓ၄၂၇၍၈ၐၔ၄ၒဋ ၀။ၒ၎ ၊၍၎ၖ၍ ၀ၒ ၓ၇၄ ဳ၇ၑ၄၄ အ၀ၒ၈၂ၒ ဲၖ၎ၑ၃ ဳ၄၂၇၍၈ၐၔ၄ၒဋ ၀ၑ၄ ၔၒ၄၃ ၀ၒ ၀ ၁၀ၒ၈၂ ၒၖ၎ၑ၃ ၓ၄၂၇၍၈ၐၔ၄ ၀၍၃ ၀ၒ ၀၍ ၄။၄၌၄၍ၓ ၓ၎ ၌၎ၕ၄ ၎၍ ၓ၎ ၓ၇၄ ၍၄ၗၓ ။၄ၕ၄။ဍ

ဧ၎ၖ၄ၕ၄ၑဋ ၒ၎၌၄ ၒ၀ၘမ

ဤၕ၄ၑၘၓ၇၈၍၆ ၀၁၎ၔၓ ၒၖ၎ၑ၃ၒ၌၀၍ၒ၇၈၏ ၈ၒ ၄၍၎ၔ၆၇ ၖ၈ၓ၇ ၓ၇၄ၒ၄ ၓ၇ၑ၄၄ဍ

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